Yable Able
Yacker Acre
Yaits Oats
Yakker Miner
Yallow Yellow
Yammerč To cry in pain
YammerČ Incessant talking
Yance Once
Yark To lash, To beat
Ye You
Yecky Echo
Yees You (plural)
Yeeve You have
Yel Ale
Yelhoose Pub, Public House
Yellmooth Alnmouth
Yep An ape, A monkey
Yerč Your
YerČ You're
Yersel Yourself
Yewer Hewer
Yewk To itch
Yit Yet
Yiv You have
Yonč That
YonČ Yonder
Yowster To fester
Yoxin Hiccup
Yuly Tender
Yun Once
Yung Young
Yungun Youngster
Yuvven Oven