Ka! Give over!
Kaaner Corner
Kale Cabbage, Green vegetables
Kalkyulaet Calculate
Kan Can
Kargoer Cargo
Keek¹ Soup
Keek² To peep, To look
Keekor¹ A lookout
Keekor² A Watchman, Security guard
Keel Cargo boat
Keep ahaad Take care
Kellick A young bird
Kelk A blow
Kelt Rich
Kelter Money, Riches
Kempin To argue back
Ken To know, To understand
Kenspecked¹ Marked, Branded
Kenspecked² Noted
Kep To catch
Kerk Church
Kerve Carve
Keslop Calf
Kessen¹ Cast
Kessen² Fallen over
Ket Inedible
Kets Sweets
Ketty Worthless
Kevel A lout
Kibble Bucket
Kiddar A term of endearment towards a child
Aalreet kiddar Hello son
Kiddie¹ A child
Kiddie² A Native
A kiddie iv Newcassel A native of Newcastle
Kink To laugh
Kingkough To cough, To hiccup
Kirn Church
Kirsen Christen
Kirsmas Christmas
Kist Chest
Kit A pail
Kite Stomach, Womb
Kittle Tickle
Kitlin Kitten
Kitty Gaol, Jail, Prison
Kizzen To dry by overcooking, To boil dry
Klerk Cleric
Klerky Clergy
Knaa Know
Knack¹ To speak softly
Knack² To break
Knack³ To inflict pain on someone
If ye divvin stop aal bliddy knack ye! If you don't stop I will bloody hurt you!
Knacked Tired
Knacky kneed Knock kneed
Knap A blow (particularly as a punishment)
Knooled Dispirited
Knowled¹ Kept under the thumb
Knowled² Weighed down
Krutt Head
Kuel Cool
Kuller Colour
Kusen Cousin
Kye Cow
Kyel Soup, Broth
Kyaeuk Cake
Kyatt Cat